The record was set at an average speed of 110.58 mph between Pensacola and Pascagoula, and an average speed of 107.13 mph on the return trip. “Of course these are average speeds,” writes Lou, “We did fly the final descent into Pensacola at 147 kts (about 169 mph) so the controllers could squeeze us in-between the airliners and other traffic, great fun.”
“I know our record is only a National Record, and not a FAI recognized record,” continues Lou, “but it is interesting to note that the NAA website for Speed Over a Recognized Course starts in 1935 with Gaston Gentin & Andre Robert flying from Paris to Antananarivo at a speed of 94.39 mph, In a Caudron C.635; the first continental US flight in a B-52 in 1962 by Clyde Evely and crew from Seattle to Fort Worth at 552.5 mph; and the first US Microlight record in 1993 by Joseph Clinard from Centerville, Tennessee to Little Rock, Arkansas in a Quicksilver MX at 38.58 mph.”
“The records by Ben and I may be the first dual crew US National Records, only the second US record in almost thirty years, and if Mr. Clinard did not build his Quicksilver, the first crew built Microlight to set a US record. I know the Europeans and other countries have many more records in the Microlight & Paramotor classes, but our hope is that our ‘Hundred Dollar Hamburger’ record inspires others in this class to stand out with the more than 4600 [available] Speed Over a Recognized Course records!”
Lou will be accepting his record certifiates during the opening ceremony at the 117th FAI General Conference being held October 25-28 in Dayton, Ohio.
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