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Sherrill Kendrick:
Congratulations to Sherrill Kendrick of Granite Falls, North Carolina, whose AeroVee powered, Tri-Gear Sonex (S/N 688) flew for the first time on February 10. “I flew for about45 minutes getting the feel of my new plane. It felt great,” reports Sherrill. “Just think , I put every piece of this plane together my self. Tremendous satisfaction… This has been my fourth airplane project and the most satisfying one to date. Everyone at Sonex have been wonderful to deal with. They are 1st class in all respects. To those of you that are still in the building process, keep at it, it’s the most fun and economical flying you can possibly do.”
Samuel Girardeau:
Congratulations to Samuel Girardeau and his building partner Joseph Gilstrap of Greenville, South Carolina, whose Jabiru 3300 powered, Tri-Gear Sonex (S/N 899) flew for the first time on February 11. “Joseph Gilstrap is a senior in JL Mann high school in Greenville, SC. He is an excellent pilot and a very intelligent and level headed young man,” writes Samuel. “Joseph is 17 and I am 70 years old. How’s that for bridging the generation gap?
The first flight was Feb 11, 2007 at Pickens county airport (LQK) in South Carolina. The flight went very well and my first landing was a ‘greaser.’ I might add, you ain’t lived until you have flown a Sonex with the big engine. The takeoff will stand your hair on end. It’s the closest thing to a fighter plane that I have ever flown. Thanks for an excellent airplane.”
John Jensen:
Congratulations to John Jensen of Pomona, Queensland, Australia, whose Jabiru 2200 powered, Standard Gear Sonex (S/N 25) flew for the first time on February 16.
Gold Wings are on the way to Sherrill, Samuel, Joseph, and John!