Note: The Sonex Builder Database is a voluntary listing. Not all aircraft serial numbers are represented in this database. If your aircraft is not already listed,
add it to our directory!
Aircraft Model: Sonex
Engine: AeroVee
Landing Gear: Standard (Taildragger)
Control Stick: Dual
First Name: Gregory
Last Name: Newman
Address: Carrabelle, FL, United States
Aircraft Model: Sonex
Engine: Undecided
Landing Gear: Undecided
Control Stick: Undecided
Company Name: 1325265 Alberta Ltd. 1102
First Name: James
Last Name: Seale
Address: Edmonton, AB|Alberta, Canada
Aircraft Model: Sonex
First Flight Date: 2013-07-09
Engine: AeroVee
Landing Gear: Standard (Taildragger)
Control Stick: Dual
First Name: Bernd
Last Name: Foerster
Address: Jacksonville, FL, United States
Aircraft Model: Sonex
First Flight Date: 2015-03-08
Engine: AeroVee
Landing Gear: Standard (Taildragger)
Control Stick: Dual
First Name: Dana
Last Name: Baker
Address: Acton, CA, United States
Aircraft Model: Waiex-B
Engine: Undecided
Landing Gear: Standard (Taildragger)
Control Stick: Center
First Name: Gary
Last Name: Goodmanson
Address: Eld River, MN, United States
Aircraft Model: Sonex
First Flight Date: 2013-06-21
Engine: VW/Other
Landing Gear: Tricycle
Control Stick: Dual
First Name: Craig
Last Name: Hoskins
Address: Tumbling Shoals, AR, United States