“With picturesque views and comfortable weather the 9th Annual Northeast Sonex Fly-In took place on Saturday, September 9 at the Keene, NH airport (EEN),” reports event organizer Mike Smith. “The weather and clouds cooperated all day, and 6 Sonexes and a variety of other experimentals, Cessnas, Pipers and a Pitts flew in for the event. With those who also drove into the event, there were approximately 40 attendees throughout the day. Some demo flights were made later in the day.”
“Tom Ritter gave a talk about aircraft electrical wiring and provided a list of suggested tools, and some suggestions for best practices. Stuart Leibovitz brought his in-progress instrument panel do display. I have to say I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much stuff in a Sonex panel! Other discussions took place on the flight line about travel tool kits, annual inspections, and AeroVee installations.”
“The Flight Deck restaurant (on the field) provided lunch, and the local EAA 1314 chapter provided the drinks. A big thanks to Wicks Aircraft and Sonex Aircraft who both provided door prizes! Thanks to everyone that helped, and everyone that attended! It was great to see you all!”
Sonex Aircraft would like to thank Mike Smith along with all other event organizers, attendees and sponsors for making another grass roots Sonex builder event such a success!