Sonex builders Jim Ballenger and Pete Pearson flew their Sonex Aircraft for the first time on the same day. Read Pete’s brief account of two friends building and flying together below:
A Tale of Two Sonexes
Our kits arrived on May 6, 2007 and the fun began. Jim and I spent many hours comparing notes and building experiences over the next two years. I might add that Jim and I live in the same area and are members of EAA chapter 339 and have hangars at the same airport. In late May 2009 my Sonex was inspected and received its airworthiness certificate. Jim was moving along rapidly behind me so I decided to press forward with polishing and other minor things as Jim was finishing his Sonex. In August Jim’s Sonex was inspected and passed with flying colors.
Then came the taxi testing and the last minute flight prep. With taxi testing compete we agreed that we would wait for the perfect conditions for the first flight. At last the morning of Sep 12, 2009 dawned bright, clear and calm. Shortly after 7 AM two new Sonexs took to the air for the first time. This is how two friends in one EAA chapter at the same airport built and finally flew their Sonexes for the first time on the same day.
Jim Ballenger and his Jabiru 2200
powered Sonex S/N 760
Pete Pearson and his Jabiru 3300
powered Sonex S/N 1051