Congratulations to Ray Wilhelm of Bermuda Dunes, California whose Rotax 912 powered Onex (S/N ONX0217) flew for the first time on May 17th! “First flight was May 17, 2024. Since then there have been several more flights to work out the cooling and trim issues,” writes Ray. “After relocating the the oil cooler and installing a side vent, all instruments are in the green at full throttle. Engine is a Rotax 912S with a Sensenich 62 X 84 propeller. The engine is mounted to the standard Sonex Onex engine mount mated to the Rotax ring mount by means of an adapter. The adapter is the only thing that was custom made. Instruments are MGL Explorer Lite 8.5 inch screen. It is a trigear. Both the coolant [radiator] and oil coolers are standard Rotax parts.” Gold Wings are on the way to Ray!