Congratulations to Wes Ragle of Weatherford, Texas whose standard gear, 2400cc VW powered Onex (S/N ONX0089) flew for the first time on June 24th! “Just dropping you a note to let you know that Onex #89 made its maiden flight yesterday,” writes Wes. “It was an awesome, intense, and once in a lifetime experience. This is my third build. Years ago I built an RV-6A and then a Sonex. But, this is the first time I made the initial flight myself. Since most of my flights consist of local “just for fun” flights, which airplane to build for my first retirement project was a no brainer. Once the Onex and the pilot are dialed in this thing is going to be a blast! Thanks for all the timely support and spare parts needed to get this project to first flight.” Gold Wings are on the way!