Congratulations to Gabriel DeVault of Watsonville, California whose ELECTRIC powered Xenos (S/N X0059) flew for the first time on July 18th! “Intrepid Test Pilot Bob Mackey flew Gabriel DeVault’s Electric Sonex Xenos (N540EV) into the great blue,” writes Gabe, “After 40 minutes of flight, including a climb over 2000′ and some slow flight and stall testing, Bob brought it in for the smoothest landing ever. His comments? ‘Uneventful. Controls a little stiff. Landings easy and smooth. Spoilers very effective.’ I guess a boring 1st flight is exactly what you want! Subsequent flights have shown the Electric Xenos to be a great performer, and we are more than 1/2 way through Phase 1 flight testing.” Gold Wings are on the way to Gabe!
Lots of videos are available on Gabe’s YouTube Channel, and a write-up of the aircraft and its Zero Motorcycles-based power system can be found here. Be sure to stay-tuned for more developments from Gabe at: flitllc.com