Congratulations to Bryan and Adam Cotton of Poplar Grove, Illinois whose standard gear, AeroVee powered Waiex (S/N W0191) flew for the first time on July 25th! “It’s a very easy airplane to fly,” writes Bryan, “and the Aerovee ran great. To get recurrent I flew the flight school Cessna C140. If you can do a good job on the takeoff and landing of a C140, the Waiex is pretty easy. Definitely a mild mannered tailwheel airplane. So far I’m seeing about 100kts cruise and 120 wide open. As I write this I’ve actually completed my third flight and things are getting routine. I’ve enclosed a few pictures, including Adam riveting the tail frames together in 2013 and building the engine in 2016. Same kid who is standing next to me in the first flight picture, but with a bunch of hours of construction under his belt.” Gold Wings are on the way to this father and son team!
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