July 24, 2024: Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation AirVenture BBQ

Once again, Wayne Daniels has been kind enough to offer to host our annual Sonex builders/pilots BBQ at his “7th Heaven” home on the east side of Wittman Field.

This is an all-volunteer, self-organized event. We all work together to get there, help out, clean up and behave at Wayne’s home – it offers an amazing perspective of the night airshow!

We ask each attendee to donate $10 for food and drink. (That cost is nothing compared to the on-site services!) Wayne always serves up the usual BBQ fare.

There are sign-up slots for cooks, cleanup, driving, and taking the donations. Again, friends, this is a self-organized all-volunteer event and we need your help to make it happen.

All attendees must sign-up via the link below before July 22nd.

Here is the link:

https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E … 48-sonex

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Oshkosh!