Waiex W0079
With three jobs, two kids, a home remodel and addition, and approximately 10 years of construction, Waiex N790EF took flight on November 9 2016, just in time before the New England weather landed. N790EF, serial #79, and 0EF (in honor of Operation Enduring Freedom), is configured with an Aerovee 2.1 engine with a Rotec TBI. Initial flight of the aircraft was excellent, with only minor tweaks of the tuning and rigging required. Test flying continues with initial cruise reports of 125-135 mph at published fuel burn. Special thanks goes out to my good friend Dana Thurston, of Restofab.net, for painting and accomplishing the finishing touches on the plane. Frank Stephens who helped me build a spar that belongs in an art gallery. Kevin Johnson and Herald Fuller for lending a helping hand and professional guidance, and when two arms wasn't enough. I would like to also thank my wife for tolerating my desire to build a aircraft, partly in my basement. And to all my friends who gave me support and the encouragement to continue the build.