SubSonex JSX0051
Kit delivery took place on December 15th, 2021 and first flight took place just over 4 months later on April 22nd, 2022. The build was a full time job and extremely enjoyable with approximately 800 hours of build time. The aircraft is an amazing piece of engineering. The first 40 flight hours are completed with no anomalies, and the aircraft performance numbers are as advertised. The aircraft is very stable in all axes while also being extremely maneuverable. Primary panel displays are two GRT Mini EFIS systems. I have a huge list of people to thank, but most of all to my buddy Pi who gave expert advice and engineering expertise throughout the entire build. Thanks to Sonex for an amazing kit and product support, GRT avionics for fantastic avionics in such a small package and technical support, Bob and Laurie Carlton for a superb training program, Pacific Coast Avionics for great panel support, Joe for being an awesome parts supplier, and the JSX2 build forum for extremely useful information/lessons and a great community feel. The most important data point from the entire process: it doesn't get much better than building an aircraft with a buddy on a Saturday night with Guiness and fried Oreos!