Sonex 1600
Hi all at Sonex.
Just to let you know that yesterday at 12 noon on the 20th September(UK time)
Sonex kit No 1600 flew for the first time in the capable hands of Sonex
agent and UK Test pilot Mike Moulai.
Lee wilkinson and myself, Started building in February 2013. She is a
conventional gear(tail wheel) Jabiru 3300 powered rocket ship and quite a
change from the Streak Shadow I have owned for the last 7 years!
She needs another 5 hours test flying before We can get our hands on her but
it was quite a day to see all our hard work come to fruition as she left the
I did manage to get a trip as observer and she handles like a dream! There
were a couple of anomalies on the E.M.S with temp fluctuations, but just
poor connections I think to blame.
You now have two more happy Sonex flyers to add to the fold.