Sonex 1510
I am very pleased to announce that my scratch built Sonex, s/n 1510 flew this morning, 7-20-2017 at 0730 to 0800 hrs at Finney Field, near Howe, and Sherman, Texas Field length is 2700 grass 180/360. Conditions were temp 79 deg, winds 7mph at 170. Initial lift off was spectacular! 'Sirpeedee" is N502PD, conventional gear, dual stick, lowered seat,center controls, and is currently unpainted. the AeroVee 2.1 engine performed flawlessly with takeoff rpm over 3000. CHTs were all less that 350 deg, EGTs were all less that 1100. I did not lean to increase temps because of it being first flight. Oil pressure remained at 65 psi, oil temp remained less that 200 deg for the 1/2 hour flight.The total engine time is 2.5 hrs, that includes ground testing. Both takeoff and landing were described by my ground crew of Clint Murphy, Bob Demunck, Steve Rief, and Jimmy Finney as Non events! Thanks guys!!!
It is a great honor to finally understand that this very nimble aircraft is going to be so much fun to get to know better, and I too, now have 'Big Johns" Sonex grin as shown so often in the adds!!