Sonex 1123
Hello Sonex Aircraft:
I just wanted to report the completion and first flight of my Sonex (S/N 1123) at Livermore, California on April 4,2011. I built a tail gear configured Sonex powered by a Jabiru 3300. I have the dual stick option and the lowered seat mod. Instrumentation includes the Enigma EFIS and Microair com and transponder.
On a beautiful cool and calm early morning, my Sonex eagerly took to the air. I think we were both glad to be finally out of the workshop. It climbed as if I hit the "up" button on a fast elevator. Once leveled off, safely above the airport, it was evident that it flew straight and true and no further adjustments were needed. To top off a great flight, I was elated as to how easy the landing was.
Thank you John and Jeremy for a great product and your great staff of people especially Kerry whose tech support was terrific.
Alan Supan