Sonex 0855
Sonex #855
First Flight: na
Engine: Jabiru 3300-L
Gear: Standard tailwheel version
Controls: Dual
Builder: James Culp
Current Owner: James Culp
Email: culpusa@aol.com
Phone: 386-418-0370
Airman Res: Alachua, FL United States of America
Airplane on gear, tires wheels and brakes on and function well; structure complete; wings complete ; seat belts in; sticks in; upholstery not yet installed; nice wood stick grips installed and modified as needed; vents in; controls in and operating; wings affixed; Sonex Dial A Trim installed, leather and vinyl upholstery is being installed; tinted canopy installed using the new flexible canopy material; landing lights on each wing tip installed with wig-wag; position lights and strobes installed;
hinged instrument panel in place - powdercoated black;
instruments and switches installed; EFIS MGL Stratomaster Enigma.
Lights, wig wag all work ;
VHF com radio turns on/off; GPS of the Enigma unit acquires sat. signal;
PC-625 Odyssey battery installed and connected, using the Odyssey Ultimizer maintainer Charger system;
instruments include Xcom 760ch Comm with intercom and ptt,
MGL Avionics Stratomaster Enigma EFIS glasspanel including vfr/ifr gyro panel, HITS system, magnetometer electronic compass w/ back-up battery; transponder MicroAir T2000;
antennas Tx and Comm ant installed under flightdeck; wiring harnesses installed and checked; ELT antenna connected and installed; ELT is installed.
Jabiru 3300L six cyl engine mounted with optional tough rubber motormount pads; engine started, no oil leaks;
AeroTrim installed; AeroClassics oil cooler and Aerocarb installed for gravity flow Av fuel;
Vertical tail and horizontal tail in place.
brake lever in place, flap control lever in place. Halon fire extinguisher mounted horizontally on Right cockpit wall halfway btwn rudder pedals and seat.
Wt and Bal to be done, then inspection for Spec Aw Cert.
Several EAA Tech Counselor visits logged:
wings fit w/ Vans wing to fuselage rubber seals; Painting of cowl and wheel pants and tailtips done. Beautiful paint job by VikingCycleArt.com of Ocala FL for cowling, tailtips & wheelpants; painted by Vikingcycleart.com of Ocala, FL-recommended for quality.
N100US registration nrs installed.
Airplane to be polished aluminum and painted fiberglas.
Complete Kit Sonex.
Aircraft I.D. Plate installed laser engraved.
100LL AvFuel purchased. testing engine w/ AeroCarb; continuing programming MGL Stratomaster Enigma EFIS.
Experimenting with baggage sack installation behind seat.
Project Initiated - Ordered Kit July 2005, after attending Sonex Builders Class at Oshkosh Wisc.
Engine Came - July 2007
Airworthiness Inspection - Not Yet .Near Ready for Inspection.
AC at hangar. Installed KipLaurie Tailwheel Bracket and Vans new Lt Wt thin 6in tailwheel. Floor skin aft of seat in baggage-bay being doubled and elevator control rod being covered. Aluminum skins aft of canopy being doubled so as not to bend when persons hands rest on them as they climb into aircraft.
this status date: June 23 2014. Jim