Sonex 0554
I would like to thank all the people who helped make this happen. First and foremost my wife Lori for putting up with this crazy hobby and allowing me to achieve a dream. I also want to thank my dad for all the hours he spent out in the garage building this plane with me and providing encouragement. It really was a family project. There was also the Northeast gang of Mike Smith, Howard Linker and Glenn Hunt whose e-mails, phone calls and visits kept this project moving at times that I was ready to give it all up and throw in the towel. There is nothing like seeing and talking to other builders to keep you motivated. My CFI and prior Sonex owner Jeff Erekson who got me back into flying after many years off while building and the Sonex Transition Training team who got me confident enough to do the first flight safely. Those few hours I spent with doing the transition training were the best money I spent on the whole project. Finally I would like to thank Sonex for designing such an awesome and affordable airplane.