Sonex 0375
Today I made my first flights in my Sonex N486WK, serial 375. The plane was largely built by the late George Zion of Indianapolis, and finished by myself with a lot of help from Marty Vandelinder, Chuck Burtch, Charlie Branagh, and the late Bernie Schaknowski. With the Jabiru 3300, it's a real hot rod compared to my Luscombe. It ran great and handles great. A really wonderful flying machine. My Sonex is a single seat as I am 6'4" and about 300 lbs. I have a side stick arrangement which is very natural to operate. We also changed the trim system to a two cable pull/pull set-up which works fine, but I would do it differently if there is a next time. EAA Tech Counselors are Chuck Burtch and Marty Vandelinder, both A&Ps, and both helped to actually build the plane. Charlie Branagh and myself are IAs. EAA Flight Advisor is Al McKeen. Bernie Schaknowski had built several homebuilts including a very nice plans-built Sonex. Walt Kahn