Onex ONX0143
Got my first flight on June 3
Went awesome. Got some great test pilot training from Robbin in Independence
and the sonex pod cast "First Flight" was really helpful too. Just added
power and went straight down the runway till it wanted to fly. Got a great
30-40 minute flight in to figure out slow flight characteristics then brought
it back in for a great landing. Have to dial in the trim and see if I can
suck more power out of the turbo now. Super exciting---haven't had that much
adrenaline in forever! Special thanks to my Tech Counselor Ernie Moreno. He checked my plane 4 different times the last couple years free of charge driving 1.5 hours to my place! I had little aircraft knowledge
so his details and insight were amazing.
Ben Grubb
Onex Turbo 0143