Onex ONX0087
Did it! Wow, what a rush - and THAT'S an understatement. Nothing like a first flight in an airplane that you built from a kit to get the adrenaline pumping! Thanks guys - and gals - for the wonderful experience of building the Onex. I rushed the first flight trying to beat out some approaching storms - yeah, not too smart - but the 1/2 hour in the air was fantastic. Control response was unbelievable.and that little engine I put together from the bunch of parts you sent me, ran great. I proved out the landing gear strength during the landing, sorry Joe, you tried.I just HAD to give it a bit more back pressure during the flair. (I'm blaming it on the stiff crosswind, and I'm good with that excuse. Ha!)
Kit delivery was on 5-17-2012, first flight on 10-11-2014.
Thanks again!