EAA Sport Pilot Magazine: “Cross Country; Flying Across the Lower 48 in a Light Sport Aircraft”

EAA Sport Pilot Magazine “Cross Country; Flying Across the Lower 48 in a Light Sport Aircraft” by Phil Simon Read the Article! The December, 2009 issue of Sport Pilot magazine, features an article highlighting Sonex builder Phil Simon’s cross country adventure: becoming the first Sport Pilot to land in all lower-48 United States. The full… Read More
Stuart Trist: 2,400 miles across the Australian outback

Whoever said the Sonex is not a “touring aircraft?” I think I have given my tri-gear Sonex with a Jabiru 2200 engine a serious testing in long distance touring and it has proved more than capable of the mission, keeping pace with the average GA aircraft burning more than double the fuel. Read the Article:… Read More
Jim Ballenger and Pete Pearson: A Tale of Two Sonexes

Sonex builders Jim Ballenger and Pete Pearson flew their Sonex Aircraft for the first time on the same day. Read Pete’s brief account of two friends building and flying together below: A Tale of Two Sonexes Jim started this adventure by purchasing his Sonex plans before we had ever discussed these sweet little birds…. Read More
Phil Simon and Jerry Bassler: The Last 12 of all Lower-48 United States

Build Partners Phil Simon and Jerry Bassler of San Rafael, California first flew Sonex# 492 in February 2006, and have since flown many long cross countries in the aircraft. On July 21, 2008 the aircraft touched-down in Maryland, completing Simon’s goal of landing their AeroVee-powered Sonex in all of the lower-48 United States! “Our Sonex… Read More
Phil Simon and Jerry Bassler: September-October, 2007 – 32 States

Build Partners Phil Simon and Jerry Bassler of San Rafael, California first flew Sonex# 492 in February 2006, and have since flown many long cross countries in the aircraft. On July 21, 2008 the aircraft touched-down in Maryland, completing Simon’s goal of landing their AeroVee-powered Sonex in all of the lower-48 United States! “Our Sonex… Read More
Phil Simon and Jerry Bassler: August, 2006 – 10 States

Build Partners Phil Simon and Jerry Bassler of San Rafael, California first flew Sonex# 492 in February 2006, and have since flown many long cross countries in the aircraft. On July 21, 2008 the aircraft touched-down in Maryland, completing Simon’s goal of landing their AeroVee-powered Sonex in all of the lower-48 United States! “Our Sonex… Read More