Note: The Sonex Builder Database is a voluntary listing. Not all aircraft serial numbers are represented in this database. If your aircraft is not already listed,
add it to our directory!
Aircraft Model: Waiex
First Flight Date: 2014-04-03
Engine: AeroVee
Landing Gear: Standard (Taildragger)
Control Stick: Dual
First Name: Rodger
Last Name: Connolly
Address: Rothwell, QLD|Queensland, Australia
Aircraft Model: Sonex
First Flight Date: 2012-08-13
Engine: Jabiru 2200
Landing Gear: Standard (Taildragger)
Control Stick: Dual
First Name: Doug
Last Name: McLean
Address: Duffy, ACT|Australian Capitol Territory, Australia
Aircraft Model: Sonex
First Flight Date: 2009-01-03
Engine: AeroVee
Landing Gear: Tricycle
Control Stick: Dual
First Name: Lee
Last Name: McFarland
Address: Dumfries, VA, United States