The FAA 2020 Compliance mandate is coming for operations in certain classes of airspace. Are you ready? MGL Avionics offers Transponder and ADS-B In-Out Options for all MGL EFIS systems. 2020 Compliant ADS-B can be implemented with MGL Avionics using either a Mode C transponder with 978MHz (978UAT) frequency or using a Mode S transponder with 1098MHz (1098ES) ADS-B frequency. We also offer upgrade packages if you already have an MGL system with Mode C or Mode S transponder and need to add ADS-B.
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UAT vs. 1098ES: What’s the difference?
While there are complex technical differences between the two ADS-B frequency methods, it all boils-down to where you are flying. For most Sonex Aircraft customers in the United States, UAT is the best choice as it is less expensive and in the case of the uAvionix EchoUAT system we provide, it receives more traffic monitoring signal types (UAT, 1090ES, TIS-B and ADS-R). UAT can be used in the United States only, and only at altitudes under 18,000 feet MSL (excluding altitudes over 18,000 feet MSL but less-than 2,500 feet AGL). If you need to fly outside of the United States with ADS-B compliance, or over 18,000 feet MSL, you will need to use 1090ES.