Make Secure Account Payment via Credit Card Use this online feature to securely transmit your credit card payment details to Sonex, LLC for payment of an invoice or outstanding account balance. An updated invoice or account statement will be transmitted to you via email as a receipt of this transaction. *Please note: Your “Price” will remain $0 in this secure payment transaction, as there is no fee for this secure online bill payment service. Your entry in the “Payment Amount” option field determines the amount you are authorizing Sonex, LLC to charge your credit card. Your credit card will not be charged automatically online, but will be processed manually by our staff. If your Payment Amount entry does not match the total of the specified Invoices, Estimates, or Statements, you will be contacted by our accounting staff to verify your payment intentions before your credit card is charged. Contact if you have any questions or concerns about this payment gateway. See Sonex Aircraft Terms & Conditions for full details about accepted Payment Methods. This, and all other transactions subject to Sonex, LLC's full Terms & Conditions. |