March 26, 1999
Sonex tri-gear flight figures are here! (View Specs)
Sonex Embroidered Hats will be available for $18 at Sun 'n' Fun.
Jim Soyk of EAA Films shoots the 3300 Jabiru-powered Sonex and the tri-gear fly-bys for the next ESPN Speed World Series.
Thanks to Jim Soyk and Scott Gyette of EAA Video.
March 18, 1999
Expaned parts list and order form. (Link no longer active. View the Sonex Web Store.)
March 10, 1999
Builder's Pages added to Related Links. (Link no longer active. View Builders' Web Pages in the Builder Database.)
Expanded and updated parts order form. (No longer valid. View the Sonex Web Store.)
March 2, 1999
Come see the Sonex at Sun 'n' Fun 1999 from April 11-17 in Lakeland, Florida! Sonex, ltd will be located in booths 152 and 153, near the Aviation Museum.
March 1, 1999
The third Sonex workshop was a great success with over 25 builders from Alabalma, Arkansas, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Oregon, Texas, and Wisconsin. The guest speaker was Mr. Earl Lawrence from EAA. He spoke about rules governing experimental aircraft construction and licensing, and answered questions about the technical and flight counciler programs. Below John and crowd enjoy some good humor from Earl during Saturday's evening session, workshop attendees build gussets and ribs, and Rex Erwin and Robert Suter get a "close-up" look at the Sonex 3300 Jabiru flight capabilities.
